Make Better Decisions

Decide Smarter. Faster. Together

See How it works

How Does It Work?

Streamline Decision-making

Paramount Decisions is based on a Lean Decision-Making system known as Choosing By Advantages (CBA). Paramount Decisions can help streamline critical decision-making in your organization.

Improve Decision Quality

Paramount Decisions' structured approach allows organizations to significantly reduce the time required to reach consensus while simultaneously improving the quality of group decisions.

Transparent Decisions

Paramount Decisions allows organizations to develop transparent, auditable, and data-driven decisions. The software enables you to visualize the tradeoff between the cost and advantages of your alternatives.


Your decisions gathered in one place

Create a new project and start adding decisions to it. Keep all project data and related files in one centralized location and filter to learn from past decisions.

A simple 8-step process for making better decisions

Follow a structured Lean approach to arrive at sound decisions. The 8-step process guides you through the decision-making process while enhancing the quality and speed of your decision.

Easy actions to help you during the whole process

Invite collaborators, add related documents, or assign tasks. You can also easily save multiple versions of your decisions and re-use data from previous decisions.

Create templates to expedite decision-making

Create templates for common decisions and reuse them when you want to. New information can be added before the template is shared or used to make a new decision.

Collaborate with your colleagues during the whole process

Group decision-making has never been easier. Invite relevant stakeholders to work with you on the decision, assign tasks to your colleagues, and keep track of the decision status.

Generate reports and communicate with all stakeholders

Print, download, or share reports to communicate the rationale of your decisions with all relevant stakeholders. You can choose between a full report or condensed report in A3 format.

Client Testimonials
  • Paramount Decisions has allowed our team to effectively use Choosing By Advantages (CBA). The Paramount team has turned CBA from a theoretical concept into something is practical for us.      

  • I have found that the app guides people to use CBA correctly without having to think much about the technique itself. The software allows for continuous iteration and reflection on your decision.

  • The Paramount Decisions software just works. We use it at our company to make strategic decisions such as choosing who to hire for our executive vice president. The process is very versatile.

  • The software allows us to work more collaboratively with our partners. It allows us to solve problems more efficiently. A year from now we will have documentation on how and why we made a decision.

You and your team will make better decisions with Paramount Decisions

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