Getting Started

Chapter 9: Tasks

Paramount Decisions allows you to create tasks related to your decisions, and assign them for yourself or for those involved in the decision. This helps you manage and divide the work between the decision members and ensures better communication and flow in the decision-making process.

To view all tasks, click on the Task page from the left navigation menu.

You can mark a Task as:

  • To Do: You are planning to do the task.
  • Doing: Your are currently conducting the task
  • Done: You have completed the task.

To change a task status:

  1. Click and Hold the label of the task you want to change
  2. Drag and Drop the task label between columns to instantly update your team about the progress.

To edit a task:

  1. Click on the label of the task you want to change
  2. Click Edit Task
  3. Click Save when you are done.

To create a new task:

  1. Click Create Task
  2. Add a Headline and Description. You can also define a Due Date and Reminders
  3. Assign the task by typing the name of the responsible person, or select from the list.
  4. Click Create Task.

The Task page shows you the tasks of all the decisions and projects you are working on. You can also create a task or view the tasks only related to one decision or project from the Decision Summary page or Project Summary page. Read Chapter 5.3 and 6.2 to learn more.